5 advices to prepare your body for the ski season
Going on holiday soon? Here are 5 commandments to help you kick-start your fitness routine and improve your skiing from personal trainer, Richard, at Le Lagon and personal trainer and ski instructor, Alex.
1. Thou shalt train regularly
The secret to good fitness training? How often you do it! But there is another issue that is sometimes difficult to hide: the huge lack of motivation that rears its ugly head as soon as the weather turns cold (or the number of after work drinks increases…).
Alex’s advice? Make your training routine into a reflex, like brushing your teeth in the morning. To do this, choose 4 to 7 different exercises (squats, plank, lower back and hamstrings, squatting against the wall etc.) to do every day at the same time, in your own home. This way, you will avoid your body getting a big shock when you get back on your skis…
2. CARDIO, ThoU Shalt work hard
Running, cycling, circuit training: there are lots of sports that can be done inside or outside as soon as the sun comes out. You’re spoilt for choice!
3. flexibility, thou shalt not forget it
Stretching and yoga play a part in maintaining your flexibility on a daily basis and therefore preventing injuries. Don’t forget this part, even if (and especially if!) you are as stiff as a board!
4. Thou shalt pace yourself
When you arrive in resort, you often feel tired: you may have had a long journey, not slept very well the night before because you were excited about going on holiday (or from the stress of trying to squeeze everything into the boot of the car!) and altitude always has an effect on the body.
So yes, it’s tempting to hit the slopes at full tilt but take your time! Pace yourself during your holiday: start gently on your first day, get your rhythm back when you feel that your body is properly warmed up and take it easy when fatigue starts to set in. The mix of skiing + partying + raclettes is exhausting!
5. PROFESSIONNaLS, ThoU Shalt inspire us
Before the ski season : Richard, personal trainer at Le Lagon, tells his instructor friends to make the most of the autumn to work on muscle strengthening: thighs (ready for long days of work during the winter), hamstrings (to protect the famous cruciate ligaments) and overall physical fitness (running, cycling etc.).
During the ski season : the days are already very physical, so concentrate more on recovery (cycling, swimming, stretching, yoga, sauna and steam room since heat relaxes the muscles), as well as plank and upper body exercises to counter the effort that has focused on the legs throughout the day.
Getting fit : a real boost if ...
You are a beginner
The hardest part, particularly on a snowboard, can be getting up after a fall. However, falling is an integral part of learning!
- You can make life easier by strengthening your thighs, your deep core muscles and your back before your first lesson. Time for some squats and plank exercises!
You are an "eternal intermediate" but you'd like to get better
You have fun on the pistes but you really feel that you are missing that little something that will take you on to the next level: skiing faster, carving your turns, leaning forwards etc.
- A stronger physique will give you more control and confidence and will allow you to break through those psychological barriers.
You dream of skiing off-piste
You just love the feeling of skiing in fresh powder, but you have a sneaky suspicion that two or three turns next to the piste and fresh tracks down a virgin powder field aren’t quite the same thing…
- Well you’re right! To experience the exhilaration of powder skiing, in addition to needing equipment like transceiver/shovel/probe, you need an adequate level of fitness to be able to ski down a slope without stopping half-way and potentially putting yourself in danger. So, now’s the time to start!